Camp Director @andraealavant hands the conversation off to @AAPD Director @maria_m_town. Maria is introducing the first panel between Rep. @DavidDOrtizCO and Rep. @jessicalbenham

Rep. @DavidDOrtizCO explains that his first job after graduating was working resettling evacuees after Hurricane Katrina. He quickly realized that real change happens through systemic change in policy. #CCElectionEdition
Rep. @jessicalbenham explains the strategies she used to make campaigning more accessible. She emphasized to her staff that her campaign valued all forms of political engagement. This was different than traditional campaigning, which often has emphasis on hard pushes
Rep. Elect @DavidDOrtizCO explains that due to his injuries, he was used to interacting with people via video chat online and social media platforms when he launched his campaign. He also notes that a strong volunteer base was a huge help with his success #CCElectionEdition
The 3 most difficult things of Rep. Elect @DavidDOrtizCO’s life have been:
1. Combat
2. Surviving and recovering from injury
3. Running for office

He explains that you have to be in a good mental spot to run for office and have tenacity. #CCElectionEdition
Rep. Elect @jessicalbenham feels lucky that local elected officials took her under their wings by offering invitations to networking events. She also won her primary election with little institutional support. #CCElectionEdition
Rep. Elect @jessicalbenham has 3 tips for disabled people looking to run for office:
1. Signing up for an election training program
2. Get involved in local political campaigns
3. Strike a balance between raising money and coordinating volunteers— both are important
A big decision point for Rep. Elect @DavidDOrtizCO was seeing someone live life with a disability run for city council and win— Chris Hines

@maria_m_town shouts out Elevate, a training program for people with disabilities running for office, co-sponsored by @AAPD and @NCILAdvocacy, created by #CripCampVirtual guides @Sblahov and @nealcarter

Fireside chat time! In your dream world, what issues would the next administration prioritize that speak directly to disability issues? #CCElectionEdition 🔥
@andraealavant introduces our next panel between @sesmith and @infamouslyshort focusing on media representations of disability

Last week, @jaketapper mentioned the hashtag #CripTheVote on @CNN— a HUGE media moment for people with disabilities! @sesmith explains this is a testament to the work of @SFdirewolf, @AndrewPulrang, @GreggBeratan, but also wants to know “Now what?”

@infamouslyshort, who worked at @CNN for 10 years, adds that now is the time for CNN to work on their disability coverage

@sesmith feels that the media could have offered better information about different ways to vote. The disability vote misses out because they don’t know about curbside voting or the process for asking for a mail-in ballot

@infamouslyshort believes that the media needs to actively recruit disabled writers, journalists, documentarians. They need to use their hiring power to hire more disabled people.

@sesmith adds that media employers also need to make a commitment to utilizing disabled talent and making them feel welcome, from pitch meetings to new show set-ups

Second fireside chat of today’s session asks: What are two things you can commit to do in your community to help get the disability vote out? #CCElectionEdition 🔥
@maria_m_town introduces our last panel conversation between Dessa Cosma, founding director of Detroit Disability Power, and Ken Mitchell of @disABILITYLINK in Georgia, who have been connected through RevUp

Dessa Cosma explains that Detroit Disability Power did a lot of voter education leading up to Election Day, including talking to poll workers about disabled voters, resource compilation, and collaborated with 12+ other DPOs in Michigan

Ken Mitchell of @disABILITYLINK reminds us that the election in Georgia isn’t over yet! He and others have advocated for disenfranchised areas of Atlanta, organized accessible rideshares, and assisted with voter education

For Ken Mitchell of @disABILITYLINK, voting is personal. He remembers signs that used to say “Colored Entrance” and knows there’s signs today that say “Handicapped Entrance.”

Dessa Cosma shares one of her favorite quotes by Frederick Douglass: “Power concedes nothing without demand.”

She believes this is where things are at in Detroit. In her words, “We don’t have enough power yet. But sense working on it.”

Ken Mitchell of @disABILITYLINK gives a call to action for the upcoming election in Georgia: support voting groups for people with disabilities that work on Get Out The Vote efforts!

Announcement time! In lieu of a #CripCampVirtual afterparty, we encourage you all to join tonight’s #CripTheVote Twitter chat— starting in 30mins!
You can follow @CripCampFilm.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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