Now that we’re here, Sweet Potato Hitler lost the election. There is no evidence, there are no smoking ballots, software in the machines has been checked and rechecked and the Head of Homeland Security said there was no fraud and yes, there were observers Dem & Rep countrywide.
To the point that all of his legal cases were laughed out of courtrooms across America. I’d like to remind you , In 2016, Jared Kushner had a back channel server in Trump tower connected to Russia, they met with Russians over dirt on Hillary and asked Russia for jacked e-mails.
In 2020, Trump put unqualified sycophants in charge of huge agencies. The post office was decimated for one reason, to take your vote and win the election for Trump. They actually ripped sorting machines apart to stop Americans from casting their vote. Do you get that?
They tried to flat out steal the Presidency, in America. The voter suppression and roadblocks put up in the form of less polling places and limiting ballot boxes Here in Cali, the @gop put up FAKE collection boxes. Not in the name of playing a fair game, but in rigging one.
They did everything to stop and rig the vote in their favor and did it during a pandemic knowing it would endanger lives. They still lost and woke the sleeping giant that is democracy. How many of you really understand the power of your vote now? You waited for hours, heroes all
The last 4 years unleashed a dark, sick, loud and proud version of racism,xenophobia, paranoia and stupidity. It literally showed half of America doesn’t understand America, it’s promise, it’s purpose, it’s brilliance. We have so far to go still. So many still seen as “less” than
Trump is 100% responsible. He used division to make us hate, anger to makes us fear and illiteracy to makes us use dictionaries again. He started a maelstrom over a football player kneeling. A protest suggested BY A SOLDIER! Trump did it in the name of racism and division.
Do you really think a man that calls them “losers and suckers” cares about the troops? Really? Yet he used our military to split us, a military he weaseled out of five times. His bone spurs don’t seem to be bugging him on the golf course, do they?
Yet 72m voted for the worst man
I hope it’s just a fugue state. Cult leaders are always charismatic, diabolical yet rarely smart. He will fade, the reason we looked to him and gave his words weight is because he was the leader of America. The office has respect, not the Fat, Orange rapist that occupies it.
Remember, before Trump won, he was a joke, he was indicted in housing discrimination, sued for a fake college, banned from running a charity because him and his family took money earmarked for kids with cancer. He was a reality television douche bag. We laughed at him, constantly
Trump appealed to the incapable, uneducated and the incompetent. People with imagined slights that fueled their racism. Trump was a supercharger for them. He justified their racism, hate, ignorance and obesity. They loved him because he was a loser like them, a constant failure.
Trumps lack of character, depth of thought, and baseless self aggrandizement made them feel like they had a combover hero, a guy that understood, that cared. It was Trumps best trick. Even in the face of doing nothing while Americans die, doing nothing to stop Covid. They cheered
When he’s gone, he won’t get smart and with the power of Presidency no more, he will be seen “Actual size,” a small man, petty, ignorant, angry. I find it funny that a man given 400m by his Daddy, handed money by Oligarchs, raped the government, payed no taxes, and HE’S mad?
We blew it with this one America. He made racism okay and we let it run, until George Floyd. Finally we stood up. The Republicans didn’t, they held up this bloviating, baby blowhard who is the most radical President in American history. Trumps a corrupt, moron, mob boss. Radical.
They think he has a future but more than anyone, the stupid are easily distracted by the new carnival hitting town. In a year I predict Trump will be a broken theme park that succumbed to the ravages of time and reputation, rusting, collapsing under its own weight. Fuck him 4ever
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