anyways i notice people will lump fascists in with communists and other leftists for our mutual dislike of the ruling elite.

the difference lies in the motivations.

─ a quick thread
the fascist's ire is fuelled by righteous rage against degeneracy and the desire to make themselves and their people stronger as a result of the struggle.
the communist is motivated by their impotent rage at their own material, moral, and spiritual weakness and will lash out at anybody more materialistically, morally, or spiritually wealthy than they, desiring instead for all others to sink to their depths.
whenever you ask a socialist, or any leftist for that matter, where they see themselves "after the revolution," their answers vary from party leadership, to some sort of propaganda influencer, to forcibly re-educating the political dissenters their regime decided not to execute.
even in their ideal world, their ultimate desire is for even more power and control. despite their ideology offering the illusion that they abhor central authority, they all dream of a world where they are empowered above all else.
to them, the revolution is eternal. even when they have everything they could have ever wanted it is still not enough.

their gluttony is ravenous ─ simply insatiable which is why they aren't to be trusted and their "grievances" discarded.
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