Thread: I probably will lose followers for this but I don't care. If this 8-man round table is about shitting on GBVS S2 saying how the game is not fun, drop it. It undermines everyone else's love for the current game. Belial is an issue but come on... Stop crying or stop playing
If you wanted to know the toxicity I was referring to, it's this. Top Players complaining when things happen they don't like, putting them in a position where they have to adapt or change it up. So instead of figuring it out or moving on, they complain and shit on the game...
Saying the game will die when a few players stop playing is false. I expected this patch would make a few players drop this game and/or move on but the community can move forward w/o them. If those players leaving means less drama, I will gladly open the door for them to leave.
Belial is dumb, not broken. If other communities reacted the same, here's a few that would've been banned:

ST: Claw/O. Sagat
TMNT Fighter: Shark
VSAV: Zabel
GGAC: Eddie
HNK: Toki & Rei
3S: Chun-Li/Yun
T4/5/6/7: Jin/Steve/Bob/Leroy
BBCP: Kokonoe
MKX: Tanya
Xrd: Elphelt
SFV: Seth
MKX Tanya had 5 Tanya's at a CEO and she wasn't banned. EVO Japan 2019's T7 Tournament have 6 Leroy Mains in it and Leroy wasn't banned. At this point I'm tired of this push to remove Belial because someone you didn't expect or respect to win, won a bracket, this needs to stop.

Q) Does Belial have a broken move by design?
A) No. He doesn't have a move by design that's "too strong."

Q) Does Belial have a ridiculous MU chart?
A) No. He doesn't 9-1 the majority of the roster.

Q) Does Belial break the core design of GBVS?
A) No. He's top tier.
A lot of players recently are always looking for shortcuts to win, if it ain't easy they jump on the next hottest top tier or are quick to give up if they don't like the top tier. This is the wackest mindset I've seen lately from players and it's getting really annoying now.
A lot of people are too lazy to learn or too impatient to find solutions. If the tools their character has isn't cheap enough they're quick to give up. People rarely strategize how to win anymore & it's pretty unfortunate to see.

TLDR: If you wanna stop playing, stop playing.
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