Proud Boys rioting and attacking journalists in DC.
Proud Boy Beny “White” Monjaraz assaults a female journalist in Los Angeles, knocking her phone out of her hands.
Proud Boys attack a journalist in Portland, throwing him to ground and kicking him in the face. 📸 @PDXzane
Trump supporter Nicholas Fry attacks multiple women in Bakersfield, CA. He is facing criminal charges for the incident.
Trump supporter Trevor Turnbow attacks a girl in Dallas, ripping her mask off her face before stealing her skateboard and trying to smash it.
Trump supporter and member of the “1776 Militia” tries to drive a woman off the road and rips the flag off her car in Bakersfield, CA.
Proud Boys rush a man from behind, hit him with a baseball bat, knock him to the concrere, mace him on the ground and punch him in the back of the head in Portland. 📸 @MrOlmos
Proud Boys viciously ganged up on a Black woman and knocked her unconscious last night in DC.
Proud Boys chased this person through the streets in DC and knocked them to the concrete, then punched and kicked them on the ground.

The cops pulled one Proud Boy off the victim before his friends resumed the assault.
Proud Boys bear-maced a Black woman on crutches in the face yesterday in Sacramento.
Proud Boys bear spray a woman in the face, claiming she is “antifa” in Salem, OR last week. 📸 @PDXzane
Trump supporters gang up on a Black woman and violently shove her at a 2016 Trump rally in Louisville.
Proud Boys including Beny “White” Monjaraz, David Dempsey, and Daniel Dempsey viciously attack a journalist in Beverly Hills, bear spraying him and repeatedly smashing his head into the ground with a club.
Proud Boys and Trump supporters in Beverly Hills surround a group of peaceful women demonstrators, shoving them and trying to rip their costumes off. 📸 @SamBraslow
Trump supporter Jonathan Moreno pulled a loaded handgun on teenaged girls after disrupting their protest in Woodinville, WA on Oct 24th.
A 17-year-old Trump supporter in Illinois violently attacked a teenaged girl, punching her in the face several times before bystanders intervened.

The boy, a high school dropout, went on to murder two people with an illegally purchased assault rifle.
Proud Boys repeatedly pepper spray a Black woman in the face as she speaks on the megaphone in Portland.
Proud Boys in NYC attack a woman, lunging to get past the NYPD who warns them to stop instigating. 📸 @itsa_talia
Proud Boy punches a 14-year-old kid riding his bicycle in Eugene, OR.
Trump supporter and neo-Nazi Ryan van de Car slaps a woman’s phone and yells obscenities at her during a protest in Norco, CA.
A group of Proud Boys ran up to this demonstrator, knocked him to the concrete, and punched him. As he struggled to stand up, they knocked him down again before police intervened and arrested them. 📸 @MrOlmos
Proud Boys Sacramento chapter leader Jeffrey Perrine calls for immigrants’ heads to be “smashed into the concrete” (Portland, 2018).
A group of Proud Boys gang up on a demonstrator, kicking him and beating him with a metal baton. Proud Boys Sacramento chapter leader Jeffrey Perrine is among the attackers. (Portland, 2018)
Last night, Proud Boys in DC surrounded and attacked two Black women on a motorcycle.

When one of the women tried to defend herself, a Proud Boy coward viciously knocked her out from behind, causing a serious brain injury.
A crazed Trump supporter rushes into a group of peaceful demonstrators in Tallahassee and starts punching a woman. When her boyfriend defends her, the man pulls a pistol and menaces the crowd with it before being arrested by the police.
Trump supporters in DC last night ripped down and destroyed at least six large #BlackLivesMatter displays.

The Trumpers ganged up on a lone BLM demonstrator, kicking and punching him on the ground until reporter @ChuckModi1 intervened to stop the assault.
Proud Boys ganged up on and assaulted a man walking by himself in Salem, OR. A Proud Boy sucker-punched the man in the face while Salem PD watched and did nothing. 📸 @MrOlmos
A group of Proud Boys rushed demonstrators in Sacramento yesterday, bear-spraying them and ganging up on them.

The Proud Boys injured several women and minors, including a Black woman on crutches. [📸 @dannoyes CBS]
Proud Boys chased down reporters and BLM activists in Vancouver, WA yesterday and trapped them against a wall.

The Proud Boys pinned the crowd against the wall and attacked them with strobe lights until photojournalist @Claudio_Report suffered a seizure and fell to the ground.
While BLM medics tended to photographer Melissa “Claudio” Lewis, who was suffering a seizure caused by the Proud Boys’ strobe lights, the Proud Boys threatened the medics with baseball bats.

They tried to knock the light-shielding umbrellas out of the way. 📸 @MathieuLRolland
Proud Boys founder Gavin McInnes explains the group’s principles:

“We will kill you...and the police will turn a blind eye.” 📸 @VicBergerIV
The Proud Boy who sucker-punched the guy in this video is Barry Lloyd James Johnson, a wife-beating abuser from Oregon.

Domestic abuse is a common trait among far-right activists, with woman-hating being the most common onramp to fascist ideology.
Here is the 2002 domestic assault arrest record for Barry Lloyd James Johnson, the Proud Boy who sucker-punched a man in a video captured by @MrOlmos.

Credit to @ChudTrackers for this identification. Follow them for more intel. 
The Trump supporter in Dallas who assaulted a young woman, ripping her mask off her face, is named Steve Bradley.

Steve Bradley’s friend (and fellow woman-attacker) Trevor Turnbow has already been identified. Credit to @trashpandaAFA and @PegasusAFA for ID.
Beny “White” Monjaraz, a Proud Boy from Los Angeles, challenged several peaceful #BLM activists to fights before assaulting a female reporter, slapping her phone out of her hands.

Beverly Hills PD and LASD watched this Proud Boy assault a woman, but they did nothing about it.
This Proud Boy fake tough guy Beny Monjaraz challenged several people to fights in Beverly Hills, calling them p*ssies and f*ggots.

After he assaulted a woman half his size, Monjaraz finally got the fight he was asking for. It did not go well for him.
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