There are some Muslims, often well-educated, who react to any criticism of Muslim societies by putting all blame on colonialism, even accusing the critics for "Orientalism."

I am sure they have the best intentions. (I myself have been there, done that.) But they aren't helping.
It is true that Western (or Russian/Soviet) colonialism greatly harmed Muslim societies in the past 2 centuries.

But we have inherent problems with authoritarianism that both preceded colonialism, and still keeps most Muslim societies unfree & underdeveloped.
Refraining from an honest discussion of these problems prevents us from taking any step forward.

Meanwhile, the obsession with the West disallows a fair criticism of the West (which would be helpful), and also learning from the experience of the West (which is necessary.)
And, by the way, while the liberal-democratic accomplishment of "the West" is valuable (no wonder many Muslims have migrated to it), there is now a serious "crisis" there, too, as we are seeing in real time.

So, the West, too, needs what we Muslims need: looking in the mirror.
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