Listen, we need an authoritative voice to put the country on notice that:
-The election is over. A winner has been determined by sufficient measure and there is no reasonable likelihood of a legal challenge by trump changing that result.
-Campaigning is over.
-Therefore, financial contributions made now and in the foreseeable future cannot be considered political donations.

-Which means, starting right now, clicking on a “donate” button in order to transfer funds toward trumpian efforts is equal to handing a cash envelope to donald.
-That’s called a personal gift and there are rules to follow there if you don’t want to violate laws.
-Payment processors should take note of this and consult with their legal counsel, as it would be unlawful to provide services furthering transactions which you should have recognized as part of an unlawful scheme or fraud.
btw, even the act of soliciting fraudulent “donations” is a crime. So, think twice about being the fall guy if you are laundering “campaign emails” currently asking for donations. It’s obvious fraud and you should be appropriately prosecuted.
Still think your cut is worth it?
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