🧵 ‘Neurodivergent’ is what the disability model calls people who are neuro atypical, ie people with autism, Aspergers, ADHD.

The disability model is woke, they believe they have to ‘fight’ on multiple issues: gender, race, fat status, disability.
I like the term neurodivergent personally, it indicates that there is more than one type of brain processing.

What I like less are the demands that come with it:
You HAVE to use identity first language. Eg: you can’t say person with autism you have to say autistic person.
Judith Butler said humanity must come second to identity- identity characteristics first. So even as someone who is neurodivergent, I’m harangued by activists for using humanity first language.

They don’t like ‘Aspergers’ or the terms ‘high functioning’ or
‘low functioning’, and they impress this upon you by likening it to eugenics- when these are clinical terms that describe functionality.

They have also decided that ‘diagnosis is a privilege’, & ‘self-diagnosis is valid’. Notice the use of emotional language.
Self-diagnosis isn’t accurate, and even people who train to diagnose get it wrong. So now we have a vast swathe of people ‘diagnosing’ themselves with all sorts of mental health issues.

Woke therapists, extremely irresponsibly, endorse this.
The latest move is changing the meaning of ‘neurodivergent’ from people who are neuro atypical, to people with mental illness.

Another term being subjected to whole concept creep, but very dangerously so. Mental illness isn’t a different way of processing
information like autism or ADHD- which come with their own significant challenges- it is an ILLNESS.

This is a move to normalise mental illness as of ‘we all just have different brains’, instead of naming it as pathology.
They call this ‘medicalising’. So on one hand, medicalising is bad, and on the other ‘self-diagnosis is valid’.

People with mental illness require treatment, they are unwell. This contradictory nonsense rhetoric will sacrifice the most vulnerable for the woke agenda.
Neurodivergent does NOT mean mentally illness, it means neuro atypical. Do not be taken in by this- even if they try to pass off insidious lies as ‘validating & affirming’.

End 🧵
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