(1/13) "Trump's Second Term." #VictoryOfTheLight #GodWon

I notice that still people are getting disheartened by the situation around the #Election2020 . This is innerstandable, because of the insane barrage of #FakeNews, the fact that lots of people and countries are believing...
(2/13) ...or going along with their narrative, as well as the various stories and information going around about it. There's a lot of speculation, because truth seekers and anons have to take their information from the media, from alternative sources, decoded Q posts and...
(3/13) ...sometimes insider information or rumors. Then we have to use our discernment to pin point what resonates and seems likely or truthful. There will also be disinformation that will arise from this process or it will be purposely injected into the conversation by dark...
(4/13) ... actors. We are in an #InformationWar after all. The operations that are essential to help the #DivinePlan unfold as it should are (and have to be) mostly undisclosed and behind the scenes, so it is very hard to pinpoint absolute truth. The best thing would be to...
(5/13) ...mostly stay silent and await the investigations, the unfolding of the events or the ruling of the Supreme Court and only report on what we know for shure is occuring, but the MSM keeps pumping lies 24/7, so truth seekers, anons and Trump supporters have to be...
(6/13) ...speading our information and view on the events to be the antithesis to that. We need to form the counter narrative, with the risk of creating some extra confusion or disinformation. In the end, we'll always be way more truthful than the #FakeNews can ever be. We are...
(7/13) ...now in the scene of the Earth movie where all seems lost and chaotic, where it seems there's no coming back from the position we're in now. Trump already said at his rallies multiple times that he did not know the swamp would be THIS deep. Traitors are coming out of...
(8/13) ...the woodwork everywhere. The majority of people on this Earth think Biden has won, because they're programmed to believe the news declares the winner and the MSM are sticking firmly to their lies and brainwashing. Though in reality, the light has already won.
(9/13) Lightworkers, gridworkers, starseeds, anons and truthers have already done their job. The battle has been won in the higher realms, in the etheric realms. We have passed this point a long time ago. Now this has to manifest into the physical. This is not to say our work...
(10/13) ...is done. We should still fight the #InformationWar and #SpiritualWar. We should share information, pray, meditate, shine our light. But we can do this in the knowing that the desired outcome will be achieved. Holding this knowing will benefit the process as well.
(11/13) There are also multiple prophets and spiritual people that know that Trump will get a second term and brighter times are ahead. They have received this knowing from God or Light Beings. Astrologers can point out to you that Trump's chart indicates that it is his...
(12/13) ...destiny to serve a second term as president. Furthermore, we are right at the transition point from the Kali Yuga into the Satya Yuga, from the Age of Pisces into the Age of Aquarius. We are starting to move into New Earth, a new Golden Age. As for right now, we're...
(13/13) ...in the middle of the scene in the movie where all seems lost before the big turnaround occurs where the hero/protagonist comes out on top. Have patience, don't let the media or the world fool you. All is well.
Addendum: I'd like to add that Trump and his team have seen this #VoterFraud situation coming for a long time and they have taken multiple precautions and built in several fail safes to ensure that every scenario is accounted for. Trump does not bet on one horse. #TrustThePlan
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