This attitude disrespects the hard-working faculty, staff, and administrators of public schools. Homeschool your kids if you want, or send them to private school if that's your preference, but public school is perfectly legitimate. And necessary.
It's necessary for a lot of reasons: Not everyone has the freedom or ability to homeschool their children (if they want). And many families can't afford a private education (again, if they want). The public education system is a good, necessary thing for a flourishing society.
One important reason for public school is the inclusion it affords disabled students. Private schools often do not provide the necessary services that students need. So they either get those through private therapy outside of school or they go without.
And sometimes, they are completely unable to attend those schools for various reasons. My son was almost removed from his private Christian school's daycare when he was 3 because the administrator thought he required more support than he did. They were not able to give it to him.
We received a call from her about his removal. She was very apologetic, but explained they could not afford to pay another aid to help him throughout the day. He didn't need that support, but what if he had? That would never be an issue in his current public school classroom.
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