Richard Spencer & co. are communist subversives falsely presenting themselves as WNs in order to sabotage the Dissident Right from within.

Screenshot: Read anti-White, globo-communist Alexander Dugin to "understand what we're doing." Questions? "Message Keith (Woods)"
Aleksandr Dugin co-founded the National Bolshevik Party in Russia in 1993. In Foundations of Geopolitics, Dugin advocates for a totalitarian Chinese-style communist empire to subjugate the West.

Screenshots: Notice the defensiveness regarding criticisms of communism.
More specifically, they're defensive against negative comments directed at their beloved Communist Party of China (CCP). Notice how their talking points so closely mimic one another.
These "fellow" RWer types are defensive about anti-communist sentiment because they have communist beliefs. YES, They ARE communists. 👇

Social Credit System? No private property? Nationalize everything? Right Leninist?
Interesting screenshots below from two central figures.

"The glorious People's Republic of China went from victory to victory."

When was the last time China won a war? 1839 to 1949 is known as the Century of Humiliation.

In the preferred font of Hong Kong & Taiwan:

Yep, you read that right. Direct ties to China.

Earlier I claimed that the goal for these subversives was to see our Western nations subjugated under imperialist Chinese communist rule. Was I being hyperbolic? Nope. They're remarkable forthcoming about the whole idea.👇
Since these so-called WNs aren't nationalists (at least not in favor of our nations), they must at least be pro-White, right? They couldn't possibly be anti-White too, could they?

Yep. You guessed it. They're explicitly anti-White too. 👇
Maybe there's some accelerationism angle they're playing? Again, nope. First two screenshots below signal that Whites should stand down & conform, while, conversely, Eric Striker & Spencer praise violent aggression directed at Whites in screenshots 3 & 4.
How do these traitors maintain a presence within the RW? By gaslighting rivals:

Diversion: Shifting focus to cynically question critic's credibility instead, muddying waters to render stigmatizing labels meaningless (ie, fed label)

Ridicule: humiliate & delegitimize competition
The owners of society need the Right atomized: thus ineffective in defending against the indoctrination. The Right isn't allowed to organize. Alone you can only deplore the situation. Organized you can make changes.
The subversives don't want an organized RW - our goals are antithetical - they want us to remain spectators of action. They call for delay. Divide using contrarian controversial takes, encouraging endlessly online debate. Encourage passivity. Discourage broad appeal.

Consider the following cynical attempts to countersignal broad RW interests. Apparently rejection of anti-White narratives, support for homogeneity, resistance to CCP imperialism, & focusing on OUR issues are J-ish tricks. They think you're a fucking idiot. Well, are you?
Spencer & company are subversive traitors. They want our nations to fail & our people subjugated by foreign imperialists. If the stakes were merely dopamine hits and e-cred then this would be a trivial matter, but the stakes are much greater.
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