Everyone tells you wear a mask and wash your hands. I did all that. We're past that point. It's rampant right now. You need to stay home unless it's life or death. Don't be around anyone until this passes. Don't go to some big family Thanksgiving. Stay home.
I can tell you, COVID is bad. It's going to be a month before I'm over this, if then. But worse, much worse, is living every day knowing I put my wife's life in danger. I had to try and soothe her via text, and it was my fault she was there in the first place. I brought it home.
We're getting past this. She's recovering. Many, many, many more won't. Don't take chances. Don't "live your life" or spout some bullshit about imagined rights as you don't wear a mask because of something dumb you read on Facebook. It's not worth killing someone you love. /fin
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