Story time, gentlemen!

I recently and fantastically landed a 5k audience, so I wanted to do something fun with y'all

If you have a moment of spare time today, check out this story of my insane, intense, reality-shifting psychedelic trip I ever experienced

It was a little over 5 years ago, man

And it was recently after a super model girlfriend had dumped me, because she was looking for a conscious man -- a man capable of truly seeing her in all her glory, instead of being a man who only sees himself (very common today)..
I was broken, fellas

I'd ALWAYS won.. always got the girl, always got the job, always got the acceptance letter, always went undefeated, always got elected captain, etc.

Zero ego here -- this is the truth of the story of my life

Losing that woman showed me my TINY backbone..
I needed to wake the fck up

I knew it

I could feel it deep within me, like the truth was in my gut and I had to fight literal demons to find it, to live it..

So, I dove into books on spirituality

I knew I was missing a hugely valuable understanding in my perception of reality
Given how sincerely I was prepared to work on myself after losing someone and feeling so much pain, I was willing to intuit within myself that I had grown up and disconnected from something valuable within me..

What was it?


Also known as, 'The Unconditioned YOU'..!
Seeing this, I was finally prepared to step into a deeply spiritual life

So, one day, I decided to utilize psychedelics to begin this path of awakening to the conscious spirit within me


I took 2 tabs

It was 6pm

A massive thunder storm was rolling in

I was home alone
About two hours goes by until, finally, it hits me

What an incredible, unusual feeling, man haha I'm sure some of you can relate

For me, LSD showed me immediately that I COULDN'T BE my thoughts..

I had to be something bigger, more expansive, more encompassing, more GODLY.. ⚡️
Without my incredibly dense ego constantly telling me how or where I lacked, I opened up into an entirely new space of existence




What a trip

I'd actually been unknowingly & deeply controlled by my idea of who I am?
My ego was the foremost controlling aspect of my existence

It literally took control over my soul

My soul's voice had become so quiet

My ego was EVERYTHING.. "Don't you know who I am?!" Oof, cringe, bro..

So, to take LSD and to see the literal truth of how this 'system' in..
my consciousness had taken control of my entire experience -- because the ego forms its subject based on lack -- is an experience that forever shifted me out of the unconscious path of pursuing ego's void

All I want is TRUTH, now

And now that I see how easily the ego and..
its narrative of 'your life' can take control of your higher self and your higher perspective of reality, I am remaining vigilant of darkness' potential and ability to swoop into your life without you ever knowing, which is a big reason why I am here, sharing my thoughts, to help
The trip only got crazier, though..

A thunderstorm was rolling in

I walked outside, with the fresh insight that I was finally free of the limitaiton of the ego's narrative and all of its 'lack' and 'poor little me' beliefs..

Had never felt so free in my life

Didn't know you..
COULD feel that free, man, and I'm not sure most human beings DO know how free they are when they finally drop the weight of the ego

But anyway, as I walk outside, lightning strikes a few times all around me

I swear, my body picked up heightened power or energetic capability..
from that experience haha and maybe that's just the wishful inner-child hoping to truly become Super Saiyan

Or maybe it's real

Maybe, given how open my mind was, the Universe struck lightning all around me, gifting me with the power I'd missed out on during my bout with..
living unconsciously as I literally had believed I was the story in my head, so I willingly gave my power away to a lie

After the lightning struck, I could feel insane energy in my body

I mean it, man, something happened

I was kind of freaking out, thinking I couldn't handle..
the heightened power that I was feeling in my vains, all the way to my fingertips

But rather than panicking (I knew not to let myself do that on psychedelics haha), I calmed my mind, walked upstairs to my room and prepared for bed

I walk into my bathroom and look in the mirror
And I will never ever forget what I saw

Across my chest was what looked like elvish font from something like Lord of the Rings -- I had no idea what it said -- but the font was the color LIGHTNING

2 lines of some incredible, lightning, cursive font was shining across my chest⚡️
To this day, I have no idea what I saw

Yes, it could have been nothing

But the more you really tap into the truth that you are not your ego, the more you access heightened awareness of reality

And from that place, it isn't that wild to think there are meta-things happening..
in our reality that would blow the mind of the typical conscious experience/perspective of what is..

The more you realize that we really are consciously creating this world and the experience of it, the more you realize that people like me and @ComedicBizman talk about..
becoming the Gods, or the Super Saiyans, or whatever amazingly handsome and creative label you want to choose to express our infinite and creative nature, because we KNOW that it's ACTUALLY the TRUTH of our EXPERIENCE!

We are the God we seek..

Indeed, LSD helped me see.
Responsible addition:

You do not need psychedelics to open up, to see heightened truth and to access heightened awareness

All you need is intention and awareness, to get there

You CAN, however, utilize tools in reality to help you get to where your intent is intending ⚡️👑❤️
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