1/n Non availability or non-relativity with the Holy Quran led to destruction of many libraries.

This thread documents few of important ones.

642 AD, Alexandria was captured by the Muslim army of 'Amr ibn al-'As.
2/n Arabic sources state the destruction of "Library of Alexandria" by the order of Caliph Omar.

Omar said: "If those books are in agreement with the Quran, we have no need of them; and if these are opposed to the Quran, destroy them."
3/n The Library of Alexandria is said to have burnt for 6 months.

Source for 1/n-3/n: Tarikh Mukhtasar Al Duwal by Bar Hebraeus (13th century).
4/n Uthman ibn 'Affan, the third Caliph post Muhammad, ordered the destruction (by burning) of any other remaining text containing verses of the Quran in order to legitimize authority of his version. This happened around 650 AD.

Source: Bukhari, 6.61.510
5/n 1193, the great Library of Nalanda was burnt for the absence of Quran at Library by Bakhtiyar Khilji. Interestingly, Bihar has a place, named Bakhtiyarpur, named after him.

This thread gives details of burning of Nalanda. https://twitter.com/Aabhas24/status/1262468448833032192?s=20
6/n 1153,Maldives was Islamised. The copper-plate document known as Dhanbidhū Lōmāfānu mentions: monks were beheaded, Murtis of Buddha were destroyed, the Buddhist manuscripts were either burnt or otherwise so thoroughly eliminated that it disappeared without leaving any trace.
7/n Source for 6/n: The Maldive Islanders - A Study Of The Popular Culture Of An Ancient Ocean Kingdom
by Xavier Romero-Frias, pg 27
8/n William Johnston mentions in his book"Encyclopedia of Monasticism",

Muslim conquest of Ind saw persecution of the Buddhists. 12th-13th Cen, Buddhist texts were burnt by the Muslim armies, destroying hundreds of Buddhist monasteries and shrines and killing monks and nuns.
9/n Same assertion as William Johnston has been made by Peter Harvey in his book "An Introduction to Buddhism: Teachings, History and Practices".

The assertion of Johnston and Peter Harvey go hand in hand with all primary sources too.
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