It looks like the author had a bunch of insulting words and phrases stuck to a board in front of him, threw a dart, and inserted whatever he hit into his story every five words or so.

I was waiting for him to call us big doo-doo heads.
Second: There is so much to unpack in this hit piece.

Soooo much. So, bookmark the thread, because some of it requires digging, and I'll post as I go. In other words, there will be time lapses between posts.
Third: I need to put on more coffee, so... here comes the first time lapse.

My apologies, @YahooNews.

You don't even bother to craft your own propaganda.

You just spread it faster than you can say COVID-19.

This gem came from Ben Collins at @NBCNews.

So, I guess this is really an open response to them.
But, if I'm honest, this isn't even about you guys.

Ben's just the lazy fucker who pissed me off enough to finally write this thread.

This is to every so-called journalist and commentator who has gone to incredible lengths to insult, demean, criminalize and dismiss #QAnon.
This is for every social media platform czar who has censored us, deplatformed us, doxxed us, and failed MISERABLY to silence us.
This is for the @FBI and every member of the House of Representatives who voted to condemn us and declare us a domestic terrorist threat while BLM and Antifa attack us in the streets and burn our cities to the ground.

It is so PAINFULLY obvious that NONE of you have spent more than a moment glancing from your oh-so-superior perches waaaay down at the Q Anon movement.
And @joerogan, @PatUnleashed, @StuDoesAmerica, @glennbeck ...

I LOVE you guys and respect you all so much, but you have all disappointed me with your willful ignorance of what Q Anon truly is and who it represents.
Do any of you so-called journalists and Representatives of the People even know where and how Q Anon began?

I'm going to explain some shit to you guys.

All of it will be sourced, with links, because that's how Anons roll.

Pay attention!
First, let me explain where I stand with Q.

I first learned of it here, on Twitter, right when it began.

I, like many other frustrated, intelligent Americans, was already researching and writing lengthy threads about the Clinton Foundation, the Podesta emails, etc.
I shit you not Patriots...

I went to send the next tweet in this thread, and this is the message I got from @jack.

I need a minute.

Screenshot this stuff, and if I get disappeared, check out @KarmasKeeper81 and @boatgirl3 for the details.

Sorry girls, don't have time to ask.

* deep breath *

I started seeing some very interesting tweets about information that was appearing in some internet chat board I'd never heard of.
Here are the first two posts attributed to Q, as they appear on a website I am not allowed to link you to because you might be harmed.

It is a searchable catalogue of every post.

That it even exists is a testament to the skills and dedication of the people within the movement.
Now, clearly, Hilzabeast was not arrested.

But look at those questions in the second post.

Really. Look at them.

Because if you have half a brain, especially given what was going on at the time—and knowing where we are now—would you not find those questions compelling?
And the bastard never answered them!

Why would anyone do that?

Why on a Chan board???

Why indeed...
To understand the answer to that question, you have to...

Wait for it...

Spend some actual time on the damn boards.
I'm not gonna lie.

For the uninitiated, they can be quite shocking and quite intimidating.

My jaw was in the dropped position for the first hour or two.

They speak a different language.
They use words that have not been used in polite society in decades.

I kept seeing shots of naked women with SHOW US YOUR TITS OR GTFO!!! as I scrolled down the screen.

I couldn't figure out who was saying it to whom. It looked like they were just saying it to the air.
And everyone's a "F*g."


If that wasn't Alice In Wonderlandy enough, everyone was demanding "sauce" and thanking "bakers."
I spent two days lurking.

I looked up words like "meme" (not a joke. didn't know what it meant. I'm old!) and "LARP" and "lurking" in the Urban Dictionary.
I had no idea what "Kek" meant, but I knew it was really special, because it is praise that was rarely given, and only to those contributions that were, IMO, the most intelligent, on point, and well sourced, with (broken — yeah, that took me awhile to work out, too) links.
And I started noticing something else about these Anons...

They have the driest, wittiest, most subversive senses of humor since Andy Kaufman.

The whole "tits or gtfo" thing?

It has NOTHING to do with Anons being sexist.

In fact, it's just the opposite.
If you're paying attention, you quickly realize the point they are making:

"Your sex is absolutely irrelevant to us and we are Anonymous for a reason, so either add something smart to the discussion, or show us your tits and then get the fuck out."
Gender, race, and (unless it is extremely relevant) your occupation do not define you on the Chan boards.

You are judged solely on the amount of new, verified information you bring to the conversation.

Which brings me to "sauce."
You can't just float a theory or make a claim on the Chans.

You have to back it up. You have to link to credible sources.

You have to lay your argument out and defend it with facts.

In other words, you have to do what the mainstream media fails to do every moment of every day.
THAT is "sauce."

And you won't believe the lengths some Anons will go to prepare it.

More on that in a bit...
Back to Q.

For me, it was this Socratic method that hooked me.

My curiosity was piqued, so I started googling some of the people, places and things mentioned, and down the rabbit holes I went.
And that's the point.

Every Anon chooses their own hole to dive down.

No one tells them where to look.

No one tells them what to look for.

No one compels them to look at all.

So I'm pretty sure, by definition, that makes it Q Anon the worst cult ever.
You do your homework, present your theories, and they are instantly peer reviewed.

Is that not the standard set by the legal and scientific communities?

Or is it the verbal assaults, dripping in sarcasm and merciless to fools, that offend you?

Or is it more than words...
Is it the fact that Anons will consider anything.

No subject is off-limits.

Stupidity is the only thing that will get you cancelled, and being super cute or having a billion followers won't get you an ounce of respect.

You can't control a narrative in that environment.
That must scare the shit out of the many who have the audacity to repeatedly tell us to deny our very eyes.

It must terrify those whose credibility and very freedom now rely on their continued stranglehold on the First Amendment.
Now, let's talk about the elephant in the room:

Some of the things SOME —not all, not even close! — of the Anons spend their time digging at are fringe theories.

JFK Jr. Is Alive!


Wealthy elites consorting with sex traffickers...
This is not the place to argue the merits or faults of any of those things right now.

And I will tell you straight up, I do not follow executive pens, I don't read time stamps, I don't think every person wearing red-soled shoes drink adrenochrome and worship Satan.

But neither do many Anons.

And on some things...

You'd have totally be cool with coincidences.
I'm not going to list all the things Anons have correctly warned you about.

I'm not going to list everything Q got right or wrong.

Other Anons are better equipped to do that for me, I am sure.

But I will tell you this...
We are the ones reading the lawsuits and transcripts and contributor lists and government reports and United Nations manifestos.

We are the ones combing through social media sites and membership lists and NGO funding mechanisms.
We are the ones looking at spouses and family trees and past employment histories.

And NONE of the shit that has befallen us since 2017 has surprised a single one of us.
Not impeachment, not resignations, not Russia, not the unmasking, not Obamagate, not Hunter, not ties to Soros, not the pandemic, not the vaccines, and certainly not Joe Biden attempting steal this election.

We have been watching the mainstream play catch-up for years.
And here's another reason Q Anon sucks at the whole cult thing:

We don't recruit.

People came to the boards on their own because the mainstream media has failed us on a global and epic scale.
You Liberals use the word "grassroots" but YOU HAVE NO IDEA!

People from all over the world, all walks of life, all on their own, came together in pursuit of nothing more or nothing less than Truth, Justice, and Liberty.
From the Netherlands...
From Canada...
From Germany...
We are the news because your attempts to discredit, dismiss, and deplatform us have made us the news!
We have given rise to the Independent Journalist and new news networks.
We have compelled news organizations & politicians alike to do their damn jobs by tirelessly flooding social media with memes & tweets & articles & threads to educate those who don't have the time or the compulsions to dig through this shit for themselves.
And that is why whomever Q is chose the Chan boards.

We are relentless.

We are obsessive-compulsive.

We revel in the details.

And we are Patriots.

We love our countries.

We treasure freedom.

We despise hypocrisy.

We crave justice.

And where we go one, we go all.

PS: @yahoonews

What are you afraid of?
You can follow @myfinewords.
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