#bnha291 #bnha292 #bnha300
The recent developments have been crazy,to be honest and I am doing my (weekly ig) recap/ analysis/prediction thread again so let’s go!(sry for being late btw)
the topics I’d like to cover today are+
#BNHA291 #bnha292 #bnha300
1.Touyas relationship with his father in the past/his feelings about him back then
2.Possible things that could have happened to him after his “death”, Hawks’ involvement and his big plan
3.Enji’s POV and what made him the person we knew in S1+2
#BNHA291 #bnha292 #bnha300
4.Can’t ya see-kun as example for society’s reaction
5.The current situation (Shoto and the others)
http://6.Best  Jeanist and how his badass arrival could change the fate of this battle
7. My prediction
(Extra: Bakugo)
#BNHA291 #bnha292 #bnha300
Surprisingly(maybe not),Touya really admired his father in the past and wanted to be just like him.He loved to do quirk training and was proud of himself having a fire-based quirk just like his father.He was ready to put in the work to become a hero.+
#BNHA291 #bnha292 #bnha300
Everything was just fine,till his constitution became more like Rei’s while his quirk got even stronger,causing himto hurt himself. It’s sad because back then,he had a very good relationship with his father,way better than Shoto,which is noteworthy.+
#bnha291 #bnha292 #bnha300
He wasn’t the perfect child like Enji had hoped,but Touya surpassed his father in talent, and back then,that was good enough.He showed Touya more affection than any other Todoroki child,and Touya obviously liked that.He was motivated,and that’s why +
#BNHA291 #bnha292 #bnha300
he probably felt pressured to succeed and did what he did.After his father snapped,he felt so bad because he wanted to please him,but was to weak to do so. It probably hurt even more because he had those good memories about quirk training,and he hates +
#BNHA291 #bnha292 #bnha300
for Shoto being perfect,achieving everything he wanted to do, living the life he wanted bro live and having a father figure.The Touya we are seeing is a mess,because Dabi is a accumulation of the hate,envy and frustration he had felt up to this point.+
#BNHA291 #bnha292 #bnha300
2.I think that someone/something unnatural was involved in “saving” Touya.I can’t imagine him being able to escape that room without help.That person could have probably indoctrinated Touya and “helped” him develop his hate for hero society even more.+
#BNHA291 #MHA292 #bnha300
Of course Touya could have just been training by himself and then went to the LoV,but what if AFO’s doctor helped Touya survive ?There must have been some kind of villain involved,somebody who saw the potential of the damage Touya could do as a villain.+
#BNHA291 #bnha292 #bnha300
Now, We all knew that Hawks and Touya had some kind of special connection.we knew that Touya had some kind of intel about him and what I’ve been thinking is that someone may have introduced them when they entered the program+
#BNHA291 #bnha292 #bnha300
(could be wrong maybe Touya had the gym clothes of a elite middle school on but I don’t think that a normal middle school would’ve a room that is able to withstand 2000*C,even if that’s the case,let’s just imagine it for the sake of this conversation)+
#BNHA291 #bnha292 #bnha300
Hawks could’ve lowered his guard and told the son of his saviour everything about himself (sth that is Touya is using against him).He must’ve known that already because I can’t imagine Hawks revealing his true identity as a teenager,do you?+
#BNHA291 #bnha292 #bnha300
3.Enji’s POV
I feel like we all thought falsely about Endeavor.Of course he’s a power hungry guy who wanted to become no1,but that’s the only thing the most people see.He actually interacted with his kids and didn’t force Rei to have kids(she had +
#BNHA291 #bnha292 #bnha300
proposed the idea of Touya having a sibling,Fuyumi),or altl. easy not the first two. I think the reason for Touya getting weaker over the years was his quirk,and its overuse.Enji mentioned that Touya had more firepower than him,but he didn’t see the+
#BNHA291 #bnha292 #bnha300
whole picture.More firepower meant more damage done to Touyas body ,meaning he’d have to cooldown even more than Enji and would be able to use his power less.Either Enji didn’t want to see that or he was just blinded by Touyas pure strength.+
#BNHA291 #bnha292 #bnha300
It’s sad actually,but because of the fact that he was so proud of his son and worked hard to support him,he snapped after seeing that his first “masterpiece “ destroyed itself from the inside.He couldn’t accept the fact that Touya’s body couldn’t take+
#BNHA291 #bnha292 #bnha300
any more stress.That’s probably when he became abusive and forces Rei to have even more kids and ignored Touya completely,a reason for him to go and try prominence burn,a move that nearly killed him.+
#BNHA291 #bnha292 #bnha300
I also think he tried to stay away from Shoto and just train to prevent him to get too emotionally invested and try something like Touya,and to shield himself from the disappointment if it doesn’t work out,leading to that cold father-son bond.+
#bnha291 #bnha292 #bnha300
4.Damn,I feel so sorry for that Can’t-ya-see-kun right now.He represents the hope the society had in heroes after Kyushu vanishing,and he’s the most extreme example at that.He was the only one who still had real faith in heroes in Kyushu and even after+
#BNHA291 #bnha292 #bnha300
the Dabi reveal,he still believes in heroes.We really gotta commend him for that,because at this point,everyone and everything else has broken down.He is the sign that Horikoshi gives us to say:Hey, the fight’s not lost yet.There is hope left.
#bnha291 #bnha292 #bnha300
5.HE IS DAMN RIGHT TO THINK SO!Although everyone is kind of injured right now,Gigantomacchia has arrived and everything is looking really bad right,the worst case scenario to be honest,with Shoto and Enji being completely paralyzed ,+
#BNHA291 #bnha292 #bnha300
6.HOPE ARRIVES IN THE FORM OF BEST JEANIST!HE ENTERS THE BATTLE FASHIONABLY LATE ,BUT JUST IN TIME.This is good because his entrance questions the truth behind everything Dabi was claiming,especially the fact that he said Best Jeanist was killed.+
#bnha291 #bnha292 #bnha300
It gives us new hope and Best Jeanist is really the last pillar of peace,not having done anything wrong and being no1 in popularity.He is the perfect hero to become the no1 is such chaotic times,and I’m saying this because Endeavor is going to die+
#bnha291 #bnha292 #bnha300
(maybe,we’ll get a “now,it’s your turn moment with him dying because we didn’t get it 100 chapters ago),but I already tweeted about that.
Best Jeanist maybe can’t turn the fate of this battle,but the future Japan is heading towards.+
#BNHA291 #bnha292 #bnha300
If his arrival gets live-streamed,he can reassure everyone that the heroes are going to finish their job and prove that with actions.Also,I’m really to see more of his technique.
7. At this point in the story,it’s very difficult to 100% say what’s+
#bnha291 #bnha292 #bnha300
going to happen,but some things are for sure :
-Endeavor dying
-Hero society not being the same any longer
- short timeskip to after the fight,like 1 week or longer
-Bakugo being the favorite rookie of UA ,just because of the fact that +
#bnha291 #bnha292 #bnha300
he is going to be REALLY hyped seeing that his mentor is alive.We will get more mentor and student moments ,it’s just gonna be awesome ,I already know it.

Wait,what about the rest of the UA and Shiketsu students?Will we get an update on the situation?
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