Are you ready?
So what happens on a night shift? Every train will need an inspection (prep), some will need a service (a bit like a car), some will need refuelling, toilets emptying and even sometimes turning around. First up is 745002. Just a straight forward prep
We’ve hit our first problem. Trains don’t like sitting around not moving and this one has lost pressure in its suspension system. An easy fix this time but for more complex problems there are a team of engineers on standby #NightShift
Problem solved I dropped our train at the depot. There aren’t any here ready to leave yet so I’ll walk back to the station. I was taught never walk under this bridge when a train is on it. Remember when toilets emptied on the tracks? That’s why! #NightShift
There’s nothing happening for a bit so time to break out the snacks ( @amyjayem how’s that for a selection?) On a night shift there’s often a lull where nothing seems to happen then everything happens at once. #NightShift
You may be wondering “but That Tall Bloke, why did your night shift start so early?” In the days of loco hauled trains the person on my shift would be given those that didn’t need to go to the depot. Some would arrive as early as 7pm so this shift covers those #NightShift
Stand by your beds! Or you lot can get in them 😔 Next train is ready. It’s come back empty from Lowestoft, needs fuelling and an inspection so will be going into one of the sheds once it’s refuelled #NightShift
This train is ready for a prep now which is the safety check before it’s allowed to run in service. I’ll check it over from auxiliary compressor to windscreen wipers to make sure it’s fit for another 24 hours in service #NightShift
A slight delay on our next train which is a 12 car only needing a prep. It’s being given the full deep clean treatment. In other news I just found out if you have ridiculous hair like mine you shouldn’t try to duck under these sticky strips 🤦‍♂️ #NightShift
Remember the train we took to the depot after it got back from Lowestoft? It’s had its inspection in the shed, is being buttoned up and once some paperwork is complete will be ready to prep. #NightShift
Driving around a depot is completely different to driving on the mainline. There are so many hazards in such a tight space. In this depot there are over 65 signals and stop boards. Driving Norwich to Lowestoft (20 miles) you pass just 17 signals. #NightShift
Another train has been fuelled and cleaned. I’ll complete a prep on it and if all goes okay I’ll take it over to platform 4 ready for it to head to Lowestoft. That’s then my #NightShift complete. If you want to know more about any bit let me know. Hope you enjoyed! G’night 🚂
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