I'm fortunate to still have my real Dad, my Mom and my Step Dad all alive.

What saddens me is that, due to the fake virus, they all "stopped living". They don't go anywhere, don't socialize and they're miserable (self-induced).

They all have expressed concern...
...and disappointment that me and Patty go places and never wear masks.

Today, I had to tell my Mom, "I decided a long time ago that I was happier just living my life. Today is all that is promised to me. I'm having two sets of couples over to my house and we're...
...going to eat heartily, imbibe in adult beverages, talk about world politics, share jokes, laugh, enjoy ourselves and I'll hug them all whenever it's time to part company. Today will be epic, because I manifest it to be. Am I worried about transmitting or catching...
...'something'? No more than I would have been a year ago. I'd rather die in a week than having not lived my life during the past year. Start living your life again; all of our days are numbered."

If possible, start setting the example for everyone who loves you and is...
...mistakenly choosing fear over joy!

God bless you all!

I love you more than you love me!




p.s.: No one gets out of this ride alive. Start enjoying the ride. I goes way too fast and stops way too soon.
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