So I'm not a philosopher, but causation is fake, right? It's a thing we invented to understand the world but it's not an actual aspect of it, is it?
Causation is always based on a subdivision of the world that exists only in our minds. My cat didn't cause the glass to fall over, they were just atoms following the Schrödinger equation. Only when I categorise the atoms as belonging to the cat or the class does causation arise
Maybe it's an entropic thing? If not for the grace of the arrow of time, one could say that in exactly the same way, the falling over of the glass caused the cat to knock it over
Not to mention it's usually predicated on counterfactuals, which are fake as well. "If the cat had not knocked it over, it wouldn't have fallen" has a hidden assumption about everything else staying the same that seems meaningless when I try to examine it more carefully
This is again the arbitrary subdivision playing up: the cat did not knock it over, the entire physical system conspired to knock it over. The air molecules could've prevented it, or the table could've moved to balance it
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