It’s very strange that this speech about ethics in Government from the head of the committee on standards of public life hasn’t received a lot more attention.

Lord Evans, a superb former head of MI5, is someone who chooses his words carefully.

So reflect on this quote...1/
“Quite simply, the perception is taking root that too many in public life, including some in our political leadership, are choosing to disregard the norms of ethics and propriety that have explicitly governed public life for the last 25 years...” 2/
“and that, when contraventions of ethical standards occur, nothing happens.”

Or how about this next quote...3/
“A populist reading of government responsibility erodes the independence of the administration and the quality of public service delivery... [it] is like turning football into a game where the rules are set by the crowd”...4/
The whole thing is worth reading for anyone who wants to preserve the highest standards, and its Chairman deserves great credit for highlighting these points that should worry us all @PublicStandards 5/END
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