Updated 2020 election breakdown:

- Democrats won presidency in 6 million vote blowout

- Democrats gained in Senate by 1% or 3% (depending on runoffs)

- Republicans gained in House by 2-3%

Not a great election cycle for the Democrats, but a pretty bad one for the Republicans.
Also keep in mind Trump shut down the post office in key states just to keep Democrats from voting. We'll never know for sure, but without that cheating, it's feasible we could have won the presidency by 10 million votes, won a Senate majority, and not lost those House seats.
In other words, I don't see how the Democrats did much "wrong" in this election. It was thoroughly and blatantly rigged against us, and we won anyway. That said, there are some things we can do more smartly next time.
For instance, no more crowdfunding long-shot Senate campaigns in red states. We should have put that money into more boring Senate races like North Carolina, which we almost won.

For the record, Georgia is now a blue state. We can win those runoffs. Fund the hell out of them.
Republicans love targeting moderate Democrats in swing districts by comparing them to far-left Democrats. Let's do that to them next time. Compare every House Republican to their new Q-anon colleague. Put them all on the spot about whether they agree with her stated views.
To be clear, the Republicans dishonestly made up cartoon versions of AOC, Omar, etc and used those lies against moderate Democrats. It was slimy.

We don't have to do that at all. Just use the real version of Q-anon loon Marjorie Taylor Greene against the other House Republicans.
Should we have used misleading dumbass slogans like "socialism" and defund the police? Of course not. But there's no real evidence that these slogans cost us House seats. The evidence suggests that Trump's post office shutdown is what cost us narrow races across the board.
Anyway there's no reason for moderate democrats and progressive democrats to be blaming each other for the House losses. Trump literally rigged the election in plain sight. He's so damn unpopular, it wasn't enough to help him. But it appears to have helped a number of republicans
I get that no one wants to hear these facts. If you're a moderate, you want to blame progressives. If you're a progressive, you want to blame moderates. But you're so busy blaming each other, you're ignoring facts right in front of your face. That's not how we win anything.
Progressive democrats in progressive districts should be openly progressive.

Moderate democrats in moderate districts should be openly moderate.

We should all spend more time painting every last House Republican as a deranged loon.

THAT is how we win more House seats in 2022.
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