#MHA291 Another jpn comment: "Todoroki-kun wanted to be a hero out of admiration for All Might like Katsuki and Deku-san, while Touya wanted to be a hero because he admired his father."
#MHA291 "Knowing your older brother wanted to kill you, your father's past abuse, the family crisis, your mother's condition, your present and future as a hero, your family before you were born... Can you really think about others at a time like this? Only Shouto can..."
#MHA291 Sorry I'm just translating some comments I'm seeing, it's really interesting to see the jpn's fandom's opinion on the chapter, more so they are focused on how Shouto is handling all of this when you remember that he is just 16.
#MHA291 A fan commented on the types of heroes the origin trio are: Deku saves. Bakugou wins. Todoroki protects.
#MHA291 "I want to keep supporting Todoroki-kun. You are a hero who is gentle, strong, and pure. Thank you for being born."

#MHA291 I'm actually curious what exactly happened between Touya and Endeavor. I've been rereading the last two chapters and it didn't seem like Endeavor was physically abusing Touya + he looked fine playing with Natsuo and Fuyumi in Shouto's flashback (and he had white hair).
#MHA291 I assume that he couldn't accept being an abandoned failure after Shouto's quirk manifested. Maybe he started training by himself, but his body just couldn't handle it and Endeavor was so focused on Shouto... This then leads to him "burning to death" at Sekoto Peak?
#MHA291 Touya mentions that everyday was hell and he was crying to Natsuo, but it's not necessarily because he was physically abused. It could be him pushing himself because he did say he wanted to make his father happy. But he failed. That didn't mean he stopped trying.
#MHA291 Touya also mentions that he he has seen Shouto be abused by Endeavor many times, but he didn't exactly say it in a way that it happened to him too (otherwise he would have mentioned it right?) He just said he was "created" for selfish reasons and then was abandoned.
#MHA291 Please note that these are only my assumptions/theories. We don't know exactly what happened, I feel like there's still a lot about the Todoroki family to unpack, so let's just see how it unfolds 🙏
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