A list of recent and forthcoming horror* by queer, trans, and nonbinary authors, from September 2020 through autumn 2021. Please let me know if there are any I'm missing so I can add them.

*horror, gothic, dark fantasy, horror/comedy--my genre boundaries are pretty flexible.
I set up a Bookshop page to collect as many of these books in 1 place, so if you wanna throw a spare dollar my way, you can buy there:


[Sidenote: I'm bummed that Bookshop doesn't seem to rep many small presses? Or have many cover images? WHY.]
Apocalypse 1999 by @sadydoyle. (Oct. 2020)
The Wingspan of of Severed Hands by Joanna Koch aka @horrorsong (12/15/2020)
More additions! Yellow Jessamine by Caitlin Starling/ @see_starling (Sept 2020)

The Fallen by Ada Hoffman/ @xasymptote in January 2021. Sci-fi with cosmic horror!

A Dowry of Blood by S.T. Gibson, which apparently has polyamorous sapphic vampires? yes????

Blessed Monsters by Emily A. Duncan, Book 3 in the Something Dark and Holy Trilogy. (April 6, 2021)

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