I'm blocked by David Henig and I believe he's posted a thread about how the UK's position on sovereignty would prevent it from signing trade deals with Canada, USA or Japan. This is nonsense. These deals have at its core non-regression to encourage trade and investment.
If the EU offered the same level playing field provisions as the UK-Japan deal the govt would agree to those terms. Henig is purposefully trying to muddy the waters to try and claim the UK side is being unreasonable.
Yes every trade deal involves restrictions, these contain non-regression clauses but on if they encourage trade and investment. The EU are going much further by asking for ratchet clauses and in my opinion wanting us to follow EU rules disguises as joint principles.
In short, Henig is trying to create a narrative of EU good and UK bad. He's been doing it for a while. He actively engages in this sort of propaganda in the hope that if he repeats it often it will gain traction. Well it doesn't fool me.
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