Sure! Why you need to focus on your work + not using your work as a means to end ⬇️
When building a body of work there are a couple of things you need:

Consistent elements
A defined technique
A vocabulary or word bank
Enough work made to critique and edit down
Q: What is enough work?
A: At minimum 30 pieces or experiments

By the time you get to 30 you should have exhausted what elements you’re drawn to and handling the technique you’re working in
If you’re interuppting this experimentation + exploration phase by posting this work on line for sale,

You lose time to be open to critique and make changes.
The process of exploration to critique to edit to refine / revision has been commodified by the need to sell your art to make profit or gain a following
Capitalism won’t save any of us so why are you concerned with selling your work and not with growing in your technique.


Should be your focus. Instagram + your bank account can wait.
And if you’re doing this consistently,
Practicing consistenlty then yes go ahead and move to marketing.

But until then, go make the work.
The right people will find you working not posting.
+ Grants and funders don’t care how good your Instagram profile looks.

They just want evidence + documentation of a consistent and dedicated practice.

Also know as “Does your work match your words?” “Is your work quality?” “Are your techniques refined and unique to you?”
I’m working on #BUILDHERARCHIVE + being able to explain this to artists without hurting their feelings

Because I too, had to understand this. Separate your work from capitalism + become an artist.

Lock into your mission / vision / center of it all & everything else will come.
You can follow @SierraChas.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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