We get it. You've picked the side of the fascists because you think they're your political future. The video you're referencing shows conservatives trying to beat up a protestor and you're intentionally promoting the isolated clip where the protestor tries to fight back.
You know it's manipulated media because even if you were gullible enough to fall for it, given the sources, you surround yourself with a small army of PR and media professionals who will tell you otherwise. So you are propagating a lie because it's politically convenient.
And "If this went the other way" is the truly laughable part. In Charlottesville a protester was killed, intentionally, by a conservative. Her name was Heather Heyer. Your father called the people who did it "very fine people".
We have had record breaking numbers of Americans protesting against polite brutality, which overwhelmingly affects Black people. Millions of people have turned out because conservatives do wield violence against people who are not. They are just protected by a uniform.
So I'm sure you think you're going to build a political empire from Palm Beach with this crap, but the number of people who want it are shrinking. Republicans are an anti-majoritarian party now. And once your dad is out of office, they won't care about you.
The last thing they want is another incompetent Trump in office. A Tucker Carlson, maybe. But not you. You will be radioactive, even to them. And you'll be pretty occupied anyway: the SDNY has some questions for you.
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