The highlight of the stakeholder engagement cited in UKRI's review was focus groups of PGRs, by NatCen. They gave no detail about the outcomes of these focus groups. Fortunately the report is online, so we can give the rundown on how UKRI ignored every single word of it! (Thread)
UKRI ignored every recommendation in the NatCen report. Rec.1: More & Better support. NO base level of financial support for all PGRs. NO targeted support for students with specific needs. NO clarity on support for non final year PGRs. NO clarity on support in future lockdowns.
Rec.2: Clear, frequent communications. Communication from UKRI has been sporadic, irregular, lacking, vague & frustrating. Many UKRI funded PGRs report missing or delayed update emails from UKRI or universities.
Rec.3: Simplify & standardise the application process for funded extensions. Each PGR has to apply using systems specific to their own uni or RO; resulting in many PGRs receiving extra funding from UKRI but being denied extra time from their uni, or vice versa.
PGRs have had to apply, re-apply and essentially beg universities for extra time and/or funding. The application process for UKRI funding for non final-year PGRs is so opaque and onerous that most have not bothered.
Rec.4: Improve transparency around decision-making. NO clear info on expected timelines, NO info when these timelines change or are delayed. The evolving nature of the pandemic & unacceptably long wait times between UKRI communications have created additional stress for PGRs.
PGRs have had NO information on how funded extensions are assessed, and how decisions to grant extensions are made, nor has there been any report into the demographics of which students have been granted extensions.
These powerful quotes from PGRs, describing the extreme difficulties & uncertainty they face during the pandemic, were all ignored by UKRI. PGRs feel unsafe, abandoned and uncertain.
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