I'm going to say something that might be divisive.

I love Obama, & his keynote at the 2006 convention is what inspired me to get interested in politics. But he was wrong.

There is a Red America. There is a Blue America. There is no United States of America anymore
Many people are talking about civil war

I would suggest that at this point it's not only inevitable, it's already happening. It started with COVID. COVID became a new kind of biological weapon of terror, and that was the first shot.

We have 1 half of the country that seems...
Hell bent on inflicting this plague on us, letting it wipe out our elders & marginalized communities as we fail to provide the most basic necessities to vulnerable citizens because of Republican Intransigence & malfeasance. In my mind that's an act of war

This goes beyond Trump
We have one half of the country- well, a little under a half going by the election results- that embraces hatred & division, ignorance & outrage- who to quote Joe Biden believe in fiction over science & fear over hope- & they are killing our black community, our vulnerable elders
This is intolerable. This is why violence is spilling into the streets. What unites us is this feeling that something has to give.

I was appalled by what I saw on the streets of DC last night. Appaled to see children screaming in terror as adults came to blows around them
There is never an excuse for that. But let's not act like the right isn't doing everything in it's power to provoke this violence-starting with the fact that they are an invading force bringing a deadly disease from their redneck hot spots into a marginalized community.
The MAGA crowd condemns Democratic run cities & blue states as hellholes, filled with roaving mobs of savages, yet always decide to come here to fuck around & then get mad when they find out

Stay the fuck in the suburbs & rural municipalities, country mice! City mice don't play!
Don't bring kids to a protest- isn't that what you told us when we were in the streets protesting for black lives? We don't come & invade your chicken coops & subdivisions- you come into our cities & fuck with our mayors & now YOUR president is trying to disenfranchise our voters
They try to kidnap our fucking governers & storm our polling precincts with automatic weapons, as their commander in chief tries to overturn the results of the most transparent free & fair election in modern history.

You're telling me these aren't acts of war?
Sorry. I'm rambling this morning. It's time for me to go to bed. I'm just so distressed by what I've seen in the past 24 hours- not just in DC but in online spaces. As some of you know I've been doing some research on MAGA forums & it's impossible not to get worn down by it all
These people fucking hate us. They call us vermin. My family was killed in the Holocaust, I grew up hearing stories about shit like this & it's terrifying to see it. They truly do not see us as human-their minds are poisoned by hate, polluted with disinformation & ignorance
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