#Breaking #BreakingNews
Federal Prosecutor Candidate for FBI Director #SidneyPowell Threatened the Criminal #Deepstate elements of #DNC #Democrat #America & said "I'll Release The Kraken" This reveals that #Trump campaign has significant intel on #Election Meddling.
For the last 2 decades, outside of the eyes of the public, there has been a supercomputing arms race among the intel agencies. This endless race to expand computing power has led to MASSIVE warehouses of computers all linked together in one massive "Brain" of power.
This computing power has limited use but is used for things like " #Climatechange" models #COVID19 models& trying to hack things like energy & other scientific pursuits. One common use of such systems is Brute Force attacks, attacking those back who attack #America& #elections
After 2001, GeorgeBush turned the computers against #Americans in super-surveillance like never before without restriction for "intelligence gathering" & other purposes, many considered nefarious. Since then, computers like these have gathered effectively all your lives.
The amount of Criminal information stored on databases scraped from & brute force attacked from these & also their wide sweeping botnets is absolutely astronomical. Enough probably to convict the vast majority of leftist political candidates across the world. Threat indeed.
Releasing the files & program documents around these programs would open up a "Pandora's box" of legal cases to the #DNC #Democrat #Deepstate & top operatives they wouldn't have a hope in Hell of escaping. Tough on #LawEnforcement the world needs an #FBI director like Powell.
In addition to the massive supercomputing power of Kraken, MILLIONS of Botnet hosts around world with over 80% penetration rate through firewalls & anti-virus software feed data back to it at record speed, virtually nothing can be protected from it's manipulation Arms.
There are those on the left that seek to use such weapons & have used such, for money, power, control, (in self-worship) & operate in corrupt Mega-cabals, & those who on the conservative & righteous side who seek Law&Order, Security, Justice, RuleOfLaw & Separation of powers.
As the #NWO NAZI Reich Super-Cabal Resurgence is being built up all around us at record speed putting humanity on a Supersonic trainwreck to concentration death camps of #COVID19 Prison planet for #Agenda2030 compliance just like in #Germany 1930-40s where KlausSchwab, Soros->
-> the #BillGates Family, & thousands of other NAZIs literally worked for Adolph Hitler, perhaps & it seems probably definitely time, & maybe humanity's only hope, to finally, "Release The Kraken".
God Bless you Hero, @SidneyPowell
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