2/8: The evidence is clear that the state of nature in our #NationalParks & #AONBs has declined since these landscape designations were introduced & by some measures (e.g. #SSSI condition) they are in a worse state than the wider countryside (some better than others of course)
3/8: There's plenty of examples of great partnerships and farmers doing amazing things for nature (e.g. @NorthPennAONB, @BroadsNP, @Natures_Voice, @nationaltrust, @unitedutilities, @jake_fiennes, @hilltopfarmgirl @herdyshepherd1) but at nothing like the scale required
4/8: So until & unless there is fundamental reform of our #NationalParks & #AONBs including clear targets on nature and climate (+ more funding linked to their delivery) & changes to purposes, duties & governance (as advocated for by the @julian_glover Review of Landscapes)...
5/8: ...neither existing nor new #NationalParks & #AONBs will contribute to the Government's commitment to protect 30% of England's land for nature by 2030.
6/8: As @CraigBennett3 told the @CommonsEAC last week, "let's not pretend that #NationalParks & #AONBs are wildlife designations when they are not".....
7/8: and as @julian_glover (who led a recent Review of Protected Landscapes in England) also told @CommonsEAC - it's not enough to just designate places - you need to make them better & that takes action & resources.
8/8: As last week's fabulous announcement of a new Marine Protected Area around #tristandacunha made clear, the UK Government is prepared to support action for nature on a truly game-changing scale - if only they were prepared to do the same a little closer to home....
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