Suppose that, miraculously, 99% of americans do not do thanksgiving. They stay home, do not expose loved ones, etc

That remaining 1% would be 3,280,000 million people.

In a country where 1 out of every 113 has tested positive. Where in some regions 1 out of 4 are positive.
Even if 99% of americans chose to not endanger their loved ones, that'd mean 3,280,000 do.

The result? Well, closer to 3 million new infections that day than 183,000.
Even if 99% of americans stayed home, up to 3 million would be potentially exposed.

Or, 17 times the current daily positive rate.
At the current 1.8% fatality rate, even if 99% of americans stay at home, that one day would result in 59,040 deaths.

Many, in regions where hospital beds are numbered in single digits and where the closest ventilator is in another county.
Even if 99% of americans stayed home, the resulting death spike would 10-21 days later spike from the current ~1,500/day to closer to 59,000/day.
Even if only 1% of americans voluntarily endanger their loved ones, it'd produce a *massive* spike.

Not just in deaths. That one day would produce close to 1.5 million cases of long covid, lingering permanent disabilities.
Even if only 1% of americans chose to endanger their loved ones, the resulting spike would be *devastating*.

Cases in a blink of an eye exponentially increasing from closer to 3 million rather than closer to 200,000. Per day.
Even if 99% of americans do the right thing, 10-14 days later the resulting spike makes the previous graph go flat the way the unemployment rate did.
But, you know that 99% of americans will not do the right thing.

It won't be 1%, it'll be closer to the 40% who believe covid doesn't exist.
In that case, 131,200,000 americans get together to endanger their loved ones.

In, predominantly, regions where the positivity rate is over 10%, where 1 in 4 have tested positive, where people refuse to wear masks to own the libs.
Suddenly, you're looking at numbers closer to 130 million new cases made that day, than the ~200,000 per day currently.
Suddenly, you're looking at, with a fatility rate of 1.8%, closer to 2,361,600 deaths from that day, than the current ~1,500.
Basically: even the *best case scenario*, where 99% of people do the right thing, is a colossal clusterfuck.

And the realistic scenario is a transcendant clusterfuck that'd usually be grounds for tribunals.
Lots of typos and imprecise language here, was trying to juggle between twitter and calc and it kept trying to splitscreen them or freezing
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