If I hear one more "pundit" promote the idea of opening the economy and at the same time protect old people from dying from COVID-19, I am going to scream. This virus is not just about death. It never has been.
Covid-19 has devastated adults in all age brackets, some kids too. It may not be killing as many in the younger demos but it certainly has taken lives. More important, it has caused devastating injury and suffering to individuals and...
We still don't know the long-term effects of this virus. Some people who have "recovered" later fall into serious illness and it will persist until who knows when...
As infections surge, the ability to protect the elderly in long-term care facilities diminishes because the people who care for them come in from outside, where the virus is becoming a wildfire.
As more and more health care workers in LTC, doctors and nurses in hospitals and paramedics fall ill with this virus, the fewer people there are to take of the very ill. It's not only those with COVID but also people with cancer, heart failure etc...
Ontario is promising more ICU beds. Big deal....We don't have the staff to handle more patients in more beds. There are 2,000 ICU beds in Ontario now. There are promises of 700 more but there are only 400 ICU doctors in Ontario.
@fordnation is not doing nearly enough to fight this latest surge. Yes, he changed the criteria for the new colour-coded alert system but he didn't change what can and cannot be done within those colour zones. Why?...
He stood there on Friday and told people to stay home if you are in a red zone. His own red zone rules permit limited indoor dining. He's allowing shopping malls to remain open. Why is he allowing these things when he's saying stay home?
I believe @JohnTory, Toronto's mayor is trying to convince Ford to crackdown more but in public the mayor is trying to stay on Ford's good side for fear that harsh criticism would get the Premier's back up and he'd refuse to budge. You can see what the mayor is doing....
While red zones under the provincial orders allow indoor dining etc., Toronto said no...not yet. There will have to be tougher measures. Tory is trying to get Ford to do it but if he won't, the mayor and the TO Medical Officer of Health will and very soon.
Local mayors and their Med Off of Health in red zones across the province should move fast because this so-called second wave has become a tsunami. God help us all.
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