Did I miss all the stories about the 78 million Biden supporters who triumphed — and their wants and needs — and how rural-centric Trump supporters need to reach out and understand the massive urban/suburban majority in America?
Because instead, I keep seeing stories about the rural-centric minority that lost.

Funny, isn’t that?
And I’m sorry, but rural America is not more American.

That’s the subtext of every story.

(And it’s not less American either. It’s just not more American.)
And let’s be clear — they’re talking about rural WHITE conservative America.

And they’re erasing rural people of color, and rural progressives.
Where are the stories on rural black voters who helped turn Georgia blue?

Rural Latino and Native American communities that helped turned Arizona blue?
Also, when Trump won in ’16 by 77k votes b/c of EC — and lost pop vote — Trump supporters were interviewed as if an ascendant majority.

Now that he lost, we’re constantly reminded by media that, well, 73 million still voted for Trump -- we’re “divided.”
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