toh characters and what stuffed animals they’d have - an extremely self-indulgent thread
luz - minecraft plushies
willow - stuffed animals u could probably use as pillows
gus - pokémon plushies
amity - she has a really old bunny stuffed animal that she loves a lot
king - old sonic stuffed animals he bought off of ebay
eda - has a stuffed animal of herself. it doesn’t exist yet but disney make it happen

(this is what came up when i searched for it so i’ll just put it here)
cw // blight twins

edric and emira - they have 2 beanie babies that they constantly fight over
boscha - dinosaur plushies
lilith - minion plushies
kikimora - giant stuffed animals
belos - probably eats stuffed animals tbh
steve - just a bunch of assorted stuffed animals he found
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