The next decade is all about the rise of counter-elites.

We are already seeing it now in Arnab, A Ranganathan, Nupur op India etc..

These people will be able to influence lot more than what elected representatives can do & it will be interesting to watch what the elites will do
Elites who held sway on how India is perceived inside & outside will be slowly made redundant by the power of time.

Nobody cares about Ramachandra Guha's opinion today & it will only get worse. Someone as erudite as Tharoor will be termed court jester!!

Next 10 yrs prediction!
Those sitting on the perch now will not hand it over to challengers. It will be a tough fight. It will be a bloody fight. You saw how Arnab was treated; believe me it is just a sample.

The elites are sitting pretty in power in establishment while Counters have put their foot in
I predict over next 3 yrs Counter elites gaining more ground & elite conceding same due to their arrogance.

Amidst all there will some sane people too who will not take any sides but eventually will join the victors! Chetan Bhagat is one of them.

Let the intellectual wars begin
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