Today is a good time to talk about better governance and political literacy in Nigeria! We are excited!!!
1. Political literacy; a set of abilities considered necessary for citizens to participate in a society's government needs to happen in Nigeria. The reason politicians get away with so much is because the bulk of voters don't know why/what they're voting for and about.
2. In the last elections especially the "HORs and Senate" figures showed that some of our HORs won their seats with as little as 5k votes. The total from this particular constituency was 16,506 votes casted on this day and the whole of Abia; 213,203. Abysmal!
3. Of the 6 geopolitical zones, the North accounts for a high numbers of votes casted. E.g Borno's Gwoza constituency casted 151, 031 for their HoR&total vote on this day was:172,608(yet to sponsor any bill)Borno is part of the states that accounted 100k+ voters for HORs in 2019.
4. Surulere, that has a fair share of professionals also recorded a low number of votes. As the current speaker was able to muster up 14k votes in the constituency he's been representing since 2003. Total number; 23,024 votes.
In a country with over 84,004,084 registered voters having 5k+ votes for a HoRs is poor and speaks to the fact that voters don't trust that their votes will count. It's also very possible that the voters don't understand what they're voting for. It’s important we know!
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