#Negativity isn’t always bad, sometimes making peace with knowing ‘something is going to suck’ is a more efficient perspective than bsing yourself into “infinite appreciation” One of these perspectives is prepared to take a punch- the other is asking to be punched. #stoicism
“But if I’m is in a state of infinite love and appreciation, My Wise Guru says I CAN’T attract getting punched” meanwhile Isn’t it interesting how so many people come to these wise gurus and say ‘ I was in appreciation and love and I still got punched, what Gives Wise Guru?’
And what does the guru always say. “Ah, you only thought you were in a place of positive vibration 🤗, but you really weren’t” Then the teacher tells them it’s so easy and they are trying too hard, and they should ‘lighten up’ The student leaves ultimately unsatisfied- &confused.
this is a great disservice to the student, Who now has been imprinted (by someone with authority ) with the idea they can’t trust their own feelings and intuitions. And this unseen negative force within them is causing them to be punched. Like they are punching their self.
“Stop hitting yourself “ would be a better slogan for the ironic anti-negativity (law of attraction) #loa movement rather than “you create your own reality” anyway #lawofattraction
And BTW Esther and Jerry Hicks were big wigs in freakin Amway before Esther began channeling the arrogant entity named Abraham- who claims to be infinite intelligence. No one talks about this ESPECIALLY not Esther. #lawofattraction #estherhicks is a black magician 🤗 🖤🔥✨
Hey infinite intelligence, a Heads up on COVID-19 would’ve been nice- thanks for the weird 15 min xylophone meditation tho. 👍🏽 #estherhicks #lawofattraction #loa
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