Ok so recently Pakistan ie yesterday made some dossiers against India regarding that India was sponsoring
"Terrorism" in Pakistan.
Iam not here to discuss whether it's true or not but actually the bigger Geopolitical reality & how these non state actors are going to be used.
See the fact is world is getting into a Cold War 2.0 . The dynamics and way it will be fought may be similar in some aspects & new in many others .
The thing is the fight is between China and USA . China see India as a proxy of USA & we see Pakistan proxy of China.
Recently USA removed East Turkestan Islamic Movement From Terror list .
What does this mean? Basically in the near future we can see usage of them by Americans against China.
It can happen in China but most probably where China has it's assets so many Asian & African countries
And here our lovely neighbour Pakistan comes into picture 🙂. China's Israel it is afterall you know !! Too much Chinese presence , too Many Chinese targets !!
India as you know has 2 enemies and hitting these sites will serve our interest as both enemies will be harmed.
So yes via some friendly neighbouring countries & with money RAW is & will indulge in some activities .
But this time it will not be only a game between RAW & ISI .
CIA & MSS is gonna join this War too .
CIA will conduct obviously it's own thing but there can be coordination...
..with RAW too & exchange of money & aiding RAW can also be a thing.
As Doval Sahab said in the recent speech We will take the battle to their homes 🙃.
For too long China has tried to dominate World without loosing blood.
It's time they also realise there will be bloodshed.
MSS will not be silent and we can see retaliation on USA obviously with ISI help. And for India they will like to handle it to ISI only afterall they are expert no doubt about that 😅. Like Saudis in 80s this time it can be Chinese funding the Jihadis. J&k will get more messier.
The future can be different obviously from this scenario which I believe it's becoming more real . CIA will join it or not it's still yet to be properly seen though prospects are in very positive only but We have already started the game as said by Doval sir 🙃.
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