I read a posting about systemic racism ealier. It's prevalent everywhere. What surprised me was someone told me of an example of an organisation predominated by one race, and every weekly meeting the minority of other races were ignored and neglected. They would stand to one side
My friend, who just joined the organisation, was deplored when he saw this and one week he broke away from the rest and joined the minorities. He described the looks, the others gave him. You see bigotry happens in every shape and formx generally disregarding rank or station
It's easy to use an excuse that it's systemic, embedded or inbred. That doesn't mean you should adhere to peer or a lemming mentality and do the same. In any organisation everyone brings a strength to the table, and that's not based on race
That's also down to leadership. It's like how you're annoyed when you're with a group and you're the only one who doesn't speak the same language, so when they all speak in that language you feel left out. That's how minorities feel everyday. Forced to assimilate as a reality
We only make lip service of how tolerant we are and encourage diversity. We have a long way to go.
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