how to get the body u want with less exercise THREAD

(aka work smart not hard)
(Disclaimer)‼ this is edtwt and I'm not assuming everyone wants the same look for their body!! This thread is for the 'skinny fit' kinda look w elements I see people talk about a lot on here. If this isnt your cup of tea, keep scrolling !! :D
1. Sleep w a pillow between ur legs
The closer u r to a thigh gap the better this works, and consistency is key :] The more u sleep obv the more time u spend training ur legs, plus it's good for ur back/spinal alignment. Any pillow works, and try to have ur knees touch
2. Strategic core exercises
Yes yes I get it u hate working out but want 11 abs or whatever. Right before u go to bed(literally right before u get in ur bed) do 30 or so of one of these exercises(u pick). Overnight ur core will be stimulated and you'll wake up way less bloated
3. Good posture
uncurl urself I Know u look like a shrimp rn.... having good posture improves ur core/back/shoulder muscles, and also makes ur body look better bc the angles are more flattering! It can be hard rn bc of distance learning etc, but here are some tips :]
4. Ass OUT
If u dont want to do booty workouts but u dont want to look like this | from the side I recommend(esp sitting at a desk) try to angle ur butt back a little(?) It redistributes where u carry ur weight and ties in w the posture thing(these are products but u can go w/o)
5. Jawline exercises
Check out these vids, pick out a few motions that u can remember/do easily. It doesnt have to b all of them, as long as, throughout the day, u do a few of these as fidgeting style 'habit' actions. A little goes a long way, and habits will do a lot for u

6. Stomach vaccums
Do these while brushing ur teeth, walking, scrolling thru edtwt, waiting in line for sth, on zoom, idc ! As long as ur doing them sometimes
(How to bc for some reason twt wasnt letting me paste the link onto that tweet)
7. Wear more tight pants
Skinny jeans, belted pants, leggings under sweatpants, etc the goal is to wear stuff that puts j a little pressure on ur waist, so that when u eat u feel ur waist expanding by j a lil, so u feel 'fuller' faster !
8. Dont eat for at least 1hr before sleeping
If u just ate even tho u were about to go to bed? Nope‼ do sth else for an hour. You'll fall asleep less bloated plus you'll have that hour of good posture to digest + use the cals for energy
NOTE: drink lots of water all thru the day
9. Be, like, really nice
Hear me out if you're always the one who's ok w getting up to grab someone sth from across the room or turn off lights or wtv, that's extra cals burned but if u make it a habit you'll hardly notice
10. Dance parties/cleaning
If ur cleaning ur room, put on some dance-y music and physically bop to it !! It doesnt matter if u look dumb bc ur alone, and dancing is good for ur brain/lots of fun plus u burn more cals that way and! Ur brain associates cleaning w fun
That's it! Ty for reading stay skinny xoxo
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