Interesting how the security community seems to have changed what they are saying about voting machines.

"Taking it apart isn't hacking it"

No. But we all know that issues were found. Claiming electronic voting is secure because it fits your narrative is odd.
IMHO this is disingenuous.

The video only shows and discusses disassembly. But there have been many issues found.
Also... Encryption is *not* the sole solution to electronic voting fraud. And screwdrivers and wires can often break or bypass encryption.
Also? Take your laptop into the booth?

This is a common trope in threat modelling.

Limit the attacker to a laptop.

Sorry have you seen @_MG_ 's cables?
Limit the attack window to obvious public access.

Are these stored securely? Is the firmware signed? Are the firmware signing keys secure, or on every laptop of every developer?
People always forget the concept of the useful idiot or confused deputy.

Someone authorised to work on these machines could install a malicious firmware. Easily. No need for the attacker to be present.
There are (or should be) checks and measures in place to catch these. But many of these machines are wholly unsafe to be used without these in place.

It's not encryption.
Please don't think I'm saying that the election was won using electronic voting fraud. I'm not.
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