The generational divide couldn't be more stark than what we're seeing in Zim right now.

Seeing lots of despondent posts from the slightly older folk, while the younger ones stand their ground about not wanting to take part in politics.
I think we need to take a step back and try to understand these differences between generations separated by a few years. Generational cohorts are roughly defined as Gen X (1965-1980), Gen Y (1981-96) & Gen Z (1997-2015).
Of course the borders are blurred, with overlaps in between. These cohorts have different goals in life, primarily due to what shaped their thinking, or cultural influences.

For Gen X, the goal was to get a degree, and a good paying job naturally followed.
Role models were educated and successful guys, success was usually regarded as rising through the ranks on the corporate ladder to the top.
This is what went on before them, so it's natural to see the Gen Xers inspired by this kind of thinking.
I'll combine Gens Y & Gen X in the latter category, their goals are quite different. It seems that path of going through school, uni, degree and getting a job is no longer that attractive for many.

This is actually true the world over, not just in Zim.
But what makes it especially so in Zim's case is that it was forced on the Gen Y & X cohorts. Option to get a job after uni simply doesn't exist anymore, hustling is the only form of survival

Their goals are shaped by what they see as success on social media
There are plenty of examples of people who have become "successful" by exploiting social media, &as a consequence Gen Y & X's thinking is shaped by Instagram stories from such. Their role models are people who never worked a single day in e corporate world.
In other countries they still have functional systems where both paths can lead to a relatively comfortable life. So it's very possible to find people from different divides having different goals and it being ok. In zim the 1st path doesn't exist anymore.
Even those from the latter cohorts who are lucky to get a job after uni still struggle to get by as they are paid peanuts, in a system riddled with corruption and where nothing works.
As a consequence the idea of trying to get a job looks even less appealing.
Clearly there are different life goals between these 2 sets.

It took the tragic events of the past 7 days to expose this rift. People who thought they were allies suddenly found themselves at each other's throats.

I see the arguments from both sides tho.
I understand the frustrations from Gen X who want a system that works, rewards hard work & works for everyone.

For Gen Y & X, its all about striking it big, not caring much how one achieves that or who makes it/who doesn't. It's a race with few winners.
Unfortunately in zim we don't have much choice. A lootocracy is in charge,&by all indications welcome this fight as it serves as a distraction.
It also, sadly, exposes how difficult it'll be to defeat the system with the stakeholders' interests that divided
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