1) The @IWGBunion has just won a landmark case that will mean health and safety measures will be extended to limb b workers. This thread will explain more about the judgement and its implications for the gig-economy https://twitter.com/IWGBunion/status/1327235346359328776?s=20
2) Gig economy giants like @Uber or @Stuart_Delivery, for example, will have to provide workers with PPE and sec 44 of ERA 1996 will be extended to workers so they will have the right to stop work in unsafe conditions. You can read the full judgement here https://www.judiciary.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/IWUGB-v-DWP-judgment-UPDATED.pdf
3) For example, couriers working for @Stuart_Delivery (who recently lost an appeal against worker status) should now get greater protections from their company in the form of PPE & can refuse to work in dangerous conditions. Limb B ruling here: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/5de8fa81ed915d09c950dd7e/Stuart_Delivery_Ltd_v_Mr_Warren_Augustine_UKEAT_0219_18_BA.pdf
4) Currently @Stuart_Delivery , like many other big companies, offer minimal reimbursement for PPE and cleaning equipment as they do the bare minimum to protect workers (and the public) while attempting to avoid all responsibility and accountability for their workforce
5) Lack of PPE or inadequacy of this supply has been a constant throughout the pandemic. Whilst the @TowardsFairWork report ‘The Gig Economy & COVID-19’ identified a common response from gig economy companies had been distribution of hand
sanitiser (done by 58% of the platforms)
You can follow @alexjkmarshall.
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