#HappyDiwali and #BandiChhorDivas to everyone. Hope you had a great day. Wanted to share my experience today visiting the Gurdwara Sahib. [thread]
I was hesitant to go to the Gurdwara Sahib today because of the provincial health orders. My wife and I decided we could observe the situation from our car, and make a decision based on the protocols, or lack thereof. When we arrived, we saw there were no gatherings of people.
We attended a Gurdwara in Surrey that I won't name to prevent it being wrongly targeted.

As we walked towards the entrance, nearly everyone exiting was wearing a mask. The langar was being distributed in take-out containers from the Gurdwara's own food truck outside.
The few ppl lined up for langar were wearing masks & practicing physical distancing. There was no rush whatsoever.

Upon entering the Gurdwara, we saw two tables with hand sanitizer and masks available. There was large, clear signage in English & Punjabi about COVID19 protocols.
There were clear directional arrows and physical spacing markers going up the stairs and towards the Darbar Sahib.

The desk in the foyer, attended by the Granthi Jis (scriptural guides), was protected by plexiglass.

The aisles to bow to Guru Ji had clear distancing markers.
Upon bowing to Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, there was one sevadaar (service volunteer) distributing the degh (sacred offering) on either side of the aisle. Each sevadaar was protected by plexiglass, wearing a mask and gloves, using a scoop / spoon to distribute degh.
The darbar sahib (royal court of the Guru) was not packed in any way, whatsoever. There were clear physical distance markings. Everyone was wearing a mask.

From the stage, it was announced during intervals between keertan (hymns) that people should keep their visit short.
Upon exiting the darbar sahib, there were clear directional arrows and markers for physical distancing throughout the foyer and stairwell downstairs.

People were paying respects & praying quickly, safely, and responsibly. They were following all protocols strictly.
What I saw at the Gurdwara Sahib today were far better protocols than I have seen at most grocery stores and department stores I have visited over the past few months in Vancouver, Victoria, Squamish, Kelowna, etc. across BC.

Gurdwaras are doing their best to keep people safe.
Gurdwara Sahibs have been the ones that, during this pandemic, were delivering hundreds, if not thousands, of meals to people in need who could not leave their homes.

They have been ensuring that COVID19 protocols are followed strictly, in spite of any lack of support.
Yes, there will be exceptions, and there will be mistakes, but rather than scapegoating places of worship like Gurdwara Sahibs, we should look at the facts that the spread of COVID19 is happening in enclosed spaces where people are gathering to party and socialize.
We need stricter enforcement for at-home gatherings. Small fines will not deter people. We need a mask mandate for all public places. What I saw tonight & have seen for 8 months confirms what I know - Gurdwara Sahibs are doing their best to feed & support people & keep them safe.
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