The rejection of 3rd Wave Feminism unfortunately seems to be the foundation of all pro-white youth culture in America. It's a sickly fact that in America, the world’s capital of anti-white hysteria & racial tension, race always takes a backseat even for pro-White movements.
Alt-right style race-consciousness and White Nationalism are sub-products of a cultural movement defined by its opposition to feminism. The alt-right is the product of various anti-feminist splits in a single evolving cultural stream.
The New Atheism movement broke apart in 2011 with “elevator-gate” The remaining swamp endured the early 2010s in their opposition to the SJWs, finally radicalizing itself into the alt-right with “gamer-gate” (gag). All steps in this evolution are driven by opposition to feminism.
The "backseat" position race had/has in the alt-right is a symptom of the extensive rot and post-racialism in America. It's still an ever-present subtext to everything the dissident right does today.
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