So in light of @MatthewGreenNDP choosing to lionize the antisemitic IJV group and their anti-IHRA video, I thought I'd review (and debunk) their criticism.

I'm not going to post their video because I don't want to give them clicks.
Firstly, the video claims that @TheIHRA has nothing to do with #antisemitism.

This is unreservedly untrue. The definition lists plenty of anti-Jewish examples such as "Calling for, aiding, or justifying the killing or harming of Jews." That sure sounds like antisemitism to me!
Next, it states the majority of the definition focuses not on Jews, but on Israel. Here are a few of these examples. Can you see anything in them that would ban reasonable criticism of Israel, its Government or its policies?
Next, it says that IHRA is "vague and confusing."

Is it?

It lists antisemitism in clear, concise examples that leave little to interpretation. If I said it is antisemitic to call for the death of Jews, or to accuse Israel of making up the Holocaust, does that confuse you?
Next it says that IHRA "threats the Palestinians' fight for human rights"

Where? I've read the definition many times and it doesn't say *anywhere* that Palestinians aren't allowed to call for more rights, nor does it say that Israel is allowed to unjustly attack Palestinians.
Finally, they say that IHRA is being used to "suppress the Palestinian Rights movement".

My response to that would be: how? Are the Palestinian Rights movements calling for the murder of all Jews? Are they chanting "From the River to the Sea...." ?
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