Proud boys stabbed three antifascist activists tonight in DC while the police stood back and stood by.
Turns out they don’t just protect and serve property, they protect and serve violent extremist nazi terrorists as well.
BTW this is sarcasm. I know that we know this 😅 If you scroll down my tl for like maybe 2 tweets max you’ll probably see what my take is on cops. Moral of the story, acab means all cops and that includes cop larpers.
Look at these pathetic cowards. Disgusting. We know from countless encounters in pdx they’re only so emboldened because of how many of them there are and how few counter protesters there are. They gang up on one individual the same way cops do. I really hope everyone is ok 😔
this part.
Oh nice is this what dc police were occupied with while the fash went on a violent rampage in the streets with no masks and en masse all day today
are you fucking kidding me?
Here’s the tweet. I guess it got deleted but he reposted it so yeah 😎 cool cool cool.
What the actual fuck. Another person getting ganged up on... they wouldn’t be called the proud boys if they could win a fair fight.
Look how they behave, not even a worry or bit of fear. Almost like they know they can do what they please in front of police
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