It's usually considered impolite to murder family members at thanksgiving.

This year, tons of people will do just that, gleefully, killing not only their shitty uncle but also their father, because of a facebook meme they saw
A month later, you'll be able to correlate this murder to specific youtube channels and *videos*

"people in which one family member saw this dim pool video were 3x more likely to die than the national average"
A month later, you'll be able to match youtube channel subscriptions to death tolls.

"here's 189,000 of his US subscribers. Notice outbreaks in each of these locations following thanksgiving"
Afterward, you'll be able to construct social media graphs of the outbreaks.

"These 6,000 people are all one facebook friend away from alex jones"
Afterward, you'll be able to pick and choose Before and After social media posts.

"going to hug my grandpa to own the libs!"

"in this difficult time we ask you to remember Frank as a loving and kind grandfather."
In other words: it will be the most well-documented mass murder event in human history.

Every step of planning and preparation lovingly posted to social media.
You will be able to see people construct diagrams of the table from instagram posts, construct a minute by minute chronology of the festivities, and contact trace exactly who killed who with which cough.
It'll be like if everyone at Jonestown had twitter and instagram and posted every single thing that led to their deaths.
And, all of that data, all that evidence of depraved indifference to human life and mass murder, will persist.

Years from now, you will know exactly why and how your self-isolating friend died.

Because their spouse delivered food to a thanksgiving, and was hugged on camera
Thanksgiving 2020 will be the largest, most well documented mass murder in human history.

It will have a death toll equivalent to entire months of infection, rolled into one day.

And, all the proof will be right there. In loving detail.
And, that data will not go away.

Specific family gatherings will be used years later as epidemiological models, forensically reconstructed from social media
"this family gathering resulted in 900 cases, 28 deaths. None of those who died had attended the event."
The really interesting thing is that documenting, in meticulous detail, your plan to kill your loved ones, and how you did it, is the kind of thing that usually results in grudges.
I mean, people already have fistfights and shouting matches at thanksgivings because of stuff that happened decades ago.

Imagine how thanksgiving 2023 will go if your whole family knows *you* killed grandpa.
They not only know, but can pinpoint exactly what you did to do it.
Thanksgiving 2020 will result in countless dead uncles and aunts and parents.

Thanksgiving 2023 will result in at least a few people bleeding out.
You can follow @pookleblinky.
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