These same arguments were made with smallpox, the Spanish Flu and with Polio. They were wrong then and they’re wrong now.
Your immune system isn’t magic. Sure, over time our bodies adapt to certain things but not everything. We’ve been pooping since Gen 3 and it’s still just as unsanitary today as it was then. Sometimes you need to proverbially learn to wash your hands.
If C-19 is the type of thing that can be eradicated with herd immunity (and that’s not proven) a LOT (not a few as was foolishly asserted in the OP) of people have to die to get us there & we’ll never completely be rid of it.

As Christians, you can’t argue for this consistently.
You can’t because our ethics demand that we minimize death and extol life. To treat people as expendable pawns for the greater good is evolutionary thinking, not Biblical thinking. It’s wrong. Period.
Also, we HAVE gotten past smallpox, the Spanish flu, and polio not because we let our immune systems do the work (they COULDN’T do the work) but because we let smart people find solutions and changed our behavior.
Furthermore, this guy points to New Zealand, I point to Thailand and South Korea. Densely populated, one even less advanced than us, and this was never a big problem for them because they did the things we refuse to do.
This isn’t hard, people. You only think it’s hard because decades of soft Christianity in the west plus prosperity and ease in our nation has made us petulant, impatient, and unable to withstand this type of hardship.
We used to be the pioneers of medicine. The ethical consciences telling the world that the sick should be a priority and deserve our sacrificial care. We lead the way in this for centuries. Now we argue that people should be on their own because we’re inconvenienced.
Wear a mask, cooperate with public health initiatives, & keep your distance until we can figure out how to ACTUALLY kill this thing.

Failure to do so will throw many into a herd immunity meat grinder. “Let’s just ignore it” doesn’t hold water in a Biblical worldview.
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