✨parks and rec characters as webkinz✨a thread
ann perkins
a “beautiful tropical fish”
donna meagle
“temperamental, unpredictable, and hard to read” and glamorous
tom haverford
specializes in making “stacks on stacks on stacks on stacks”
ben wyatt
“I have been tense lately. Just thinking about the new Star Wars sequel.”
ron swanson
“Fishing relaxes me. It’s like yoga, except I still get to kill something.”
leslie knope
"I care. I care a lot. It's kinda my thing."
andy dwyer
“Anything is a toy if you play with it.”
chris traeger
“the world is my jungle gym!”
april ludgate
“The only things I like are dogs, sleeping late, and weird birthmarks.”
fairway frank
the raccoons that own the streets of pawnee
li’l sebastian
jean-ralphio saperstein
"I Made Money The Old Fashioned Way. I Got Run Over By A Lexus."
mona-lisa saperstein
“So, I totally hear you, but um, I also don't like what you're saying. So if you say no, I WILL start a fire in the bathroom.”
garry/jerry/larry/terry/barry gergich
“i told them my real name was Garry, and they said "who cares?" What a fun bunch of guys.”
tammy 1
“I don't think it will be necessary for you to speak again while I'm here.”
tammy 2
“So I can have fun with him, and sometimes ruining his life can be a part of that, sure.”
ron dunn
“i believe a mans feet should remain uncaged”
craig middlebrooks
"I'm gonna go home, put on a Macy Gray album, AND CRY IN THE MIRROR!"
jeremy jamm
“Hot Dogs?!? You know I have irritable bowel syndrome you racist!”
“i studied zoology in college and i can control animals with my mind”
shauna malwae-tweep-newport
“i don’t know.. i read a book once that said a woman should never make the first move”
jennifer barkley
“and you can trust me because i don’t care enough about you to lie”
councilman milton
“I’ve eaten the same lunch for fifty-eight years. Caesar salad, extra dressing, extra croutons, and extra anchovies.”
ethel beavers
“try not to move things around because technically speaking this is still a crime scene”
dennis feinstein
“don’t talk to eddie. treat him like you would treat a person in another country that you paid $25,000 to hunt”
greg pikitis
“i screw with her cuz she gets all riled up and her faces gets all scrunched up like this”
joan callamezzo
“Yeah, listen, I'm a little under the weather. I went on a booze cruise last week. It just finished up an hour ago. On a completely unrelated note, I have horrible allergies.”
perd hapley
“Welcome to "Ya' Heard? With Perd". I'm Perd Hapley, the Perd I mentioned a second ago when I was telling you the name of my show.”
bobby newport
"I guess my thoughts on abortion are, you know, let’s just all have a good time"
councilman dexhart
“And to my wife: I apologize. All I can say is, I wasn't just having sex. I was making love to a beautiful woman. And her boyfriend. And a third person whose name I never learned.”
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